Locus, January 2013 Page 16
* Durgin, Doranna Sentinels: Kodiak Chained (Harlequin/Nocturne 978-0-373-88560-2, $5.50, 359pp, pb) Paranormal romance novel, the fourth in a series about shapeshifter Sentinals. This includes novella ‘‘The Gatekeeper’’ by Heather Graham (originally published as an e-book) a prequel to her The Keepers: L.A. series.
Dyachenko, Sergey & Marina The Scar (Tor 978-0-7653-6790-7, $7.99, 436pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 2012) fantasy novel, the first in a series. Translated by Elinor Huntington from the Russian Shram (ACT 1997).
* Engelmann, Karen The Stockholm Octavo (HarperCollins/Ecco 978-0-06-199534-7, $26.99, 411pp, hc) Historical novel with fantasy elements, set in late 18th-century Stockholm. Emil Larsson searches for eight people a fortune-teller says will lead him to love and help save the country.
Evanovich, Janet Wicked Business (Bantam 978-0-345-52779-0, $8.99, 308pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 2012) paranormal mystery/comedy, the second book in the Lizzy and Diesel series.
* Evans, Erin M. Forgotten Realms: Brimstone Angels: Lesser Evils (Wizards of the Coast 978-0-7869-6376-8, $7.99, 388pp, pb, cover by Min Yum) Novelization based on the world of the roleplaying game, second in the Brimstone Angels series. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
* Faegen, Trinity The Mephisto Kiss (Egmont USA 978-1-60684-171-6, $17.99, 434pp, hc) Young-adult paranormal romance novel, the second in the Redemptions of Ajax series. This is a pen name for Stephanie Feagan.
* Fama, Elizabeth Monstrous Beauty (Farrar, Straus, & Giroux 978-0-374-37366-5, $17.99, 295pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel. A teen researching her family history is unaware of forces determined to stop her from finding out about mermaids and a curse.
* Feehan, Christine Dark Storm (Berkley 978-0-425-25580-3, $26.95, 370pp, hc) Paranormal romantic suspense novel in the Carpathian series.
* Fine, Sarah Sanctum (Amazon 978-1-6121-8442-5, $17.99, 417pp, tp) Young-adult fantasy novel, the first in the Guard of the Shadowlands series. Lela goes to hell in search of the soul of a friend who committed suicide. A first novel.
Books Received continues after ad.
* Flanagan, John Brotherband Chronicles, Book 3: The Hunters (Penguin/Philomel 978-0-399-25621-9, $18.99, 403pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Young-adult fantasy novel, the third in the series, a companion to the Ranger’s Apprentice series. Simultaneous with the Random House Australia edition.
Flint, Eric & Paula Goodlett, eds. Grantville Gazette VI (Baen 978-1-4516-3853-0, $7.99, 599pp, pb, cover by Tom Kidd) Reprint (Baen 2012) shared-world alternate-history anthology of 24 stories based on Flint’s Ring of Fire universe, selected from stories originally published in the online Grantville Gazette.
Flynn, Michael In the Lion’s Mouth (Tor 978-0-7653-6283-4, $7.99, 300pp, pb, cover by Sparth) Reprint (Tor 2012) near-future SF space opera novel, the third in the Spiral Arm series after The January Dancer and Up Jim River.
Foglio, Phil & Kaja Foglio Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess (Night Shade Books 978-1-59780-223-9, $15.99, x + 461pp, tp, cover by Tom Kidd) Reprint (Night Shade 2012) alternate-world steampunk novel, the second in a series based on the Hugo-winning Girl Genius webcomic and graphic novels. Night Shade Books,
* Foster, Alan Dean The Sum of Her Parts (Ballantine Del Rey 978-0-345-51202-4, $14.00, 273pp, tp, cover by David Stevenson) SF novel, third in the Tipping Point trilogy.
* Fox, Jacob The Fifth World (Fox, Jacob 978-0985498900, $12.95, 422pp, tp) Post-apocalyptic SF novel. Survivors of nuclear war attempt to send a colony ship to a new world where mankind can rebuild. This is dated 2011, but not seen until now. A print-on-demand edition.
* Frenette, Bethany Dark Star (Disney/Hyperion 978-1-4231-4665-0, $17.99, 356pp, hc) Young-adult superhero fantasy novel. Teenaged Audrey joins her superhero mother in fighting the merciless Harrowers, who have escaped their imprisonment Beneath.
Frith, R.J. The Nemesis List (Trafalgar Square/Gollancz 978-0-330-51997-7, $12.95, 315pp, tp, cover by Steve Stone) SF novel. This first US edition (Gollancz 12/10) is the Gollancz 2011 edition, distributed in the US by Trafalgar Square.
* Frost, Mark The Paladin Prophecy (Random House 978-0-375-87045-3, $17.99, 547pp, hc, cover by Hilts) Young-adult thriller, the first book in a series. A teen’s unusual mental and physical abilities are sought by ruthless forces.
Fukuda, Andrew The Hunt (St. Martin’s Griffin 978-1-250-00529-8, $9.99, 293pp, tp) Reprint (Griffin 2012) SF novel, the first book in the Hunt trilogy.
* Fukui, Isamu Truancy City (Tor Teen 978-0-7653-2263-0, $19.99, 381pp, hc, cover by Andy Kerry Michelle Kerry) Young-adult SF novel, third in the series begun in Truancy.
* Galenorn, Yasmine Shadow Rising (Jove 978-0-515-15116-9, $7.99, 305pp, pb, cover by Tony Mauro) Paranormal romance, the 12th in the Otherworld/Sisters of the Moon series. The author also writes as India Ink.
Garcia, Kami & Margaret Stohl Beautiful Creatures (Little, Brown 978-0-316-23165-7, $7.99, 563pp, pb) Reprint (Little, Brown 2009) young-adult fantasy. A movie tie-in edition.
George, Jessica Day Tuesdays at the Castle (Bloomsbury USA 978-1-59990-917-2, $7.99, 225pp, tp, cover by David Hohn) Reprint (Bloomsbury USA 2011) middle-grade fantasy novel about a castle that changes every Tuesday.
* Gilman, Felix The Rise of Ransom City (Tor 978-0-7653-2940-0, $25.99, 368pp, hc, cover by Ross MacDonald) Fantasy Wild West steampunk novel, sequel to The Half-Made World.
Golden, Christie Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks 978-0-345-50917-8, $7.99, 474pp, pb, cover by Ian Keltie) Reprint (Del Rey 2011) Tie-in novel based on the world of the movies. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
* Golden, Christie StarCraft II: Flashpoint (Simon & Schuster/Gallery 978-1-4516-5962-7, $26.00, 314pp, hc, cover by John Polidora) Tie-in novel based on the world of the SF computer game. Copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment.
Golding, Julia Dragonfly (Marshall Cavendish 978-0-7614-6067-1, $8.99, 390pp, tp) Reprint (Oxford University Press 2008) young-adult fantasy adventure novel. This edition is dated 2011, but not seen until now.
Gordon, Roderick & Brian Williams Spiral (Scholastic/Chicken House 978-0-545-42961-0, $18.99, 440pp, hc, cover by David Wyatt) Young-adult dark fantasy novel, fifth in the series begun in Tunnels. Illustrated by Brian Williams. First US edition (Chicken House UK 9/11).
* Gozlan, Léon The Vampire of the Val-de-Grâce (Black Coat Press 987-1-61227-123-1, $20.95, 259pp, tp, cover by Mandy) Horror/mystery novel with possible vampires, translated/adapted from the French Le Vampire du Val-de-Grâce (Dentu 1861) by Brian M. Stableford, who provides an introduction and notes. This adds a short story. A print-on-demand edition. Hollywood, PO Box 17270, Encino CA 91416;
* Grant, Donna Midnight’s Warrior (St. Martin’s 978-0-312-55259-6, $7.99, 310pp, pb) Paranormal romance novel in the Dark Warriors series.
* Grant, Michael & Katherine Applegate Eve & Adam (Macmillan/Feiwel and Friends 978-0-312-58351-4, $17.99, 291pp, hc) Young-adult near-future SF novel. Evening Spiker, recovering from an accident at her mother’s lab, uses a high-tech genetics simulation to create a perfect boy.
* Grant, Mira When Will You Rise: Stories to End the World (Subterranean Press 978-1-59606-462-1, $38.00, 145pp, hc, cover by Lauren K. Cannon) Collection of the novella ‘‘Countdown’’ in the Newsflesh series, plus an unrelated short story, both originally published as e-books. The author also writes as Seanan McGuire. This is a signed, limited edition of 1,000. Subterranean Press, PO Box 190106, Burton MI 48519;
* Greatshell, Walter Terminal Island (Night Shade 978-1-59780-437-0, $14.99, 264pp, tp, cover by Sam Burley) Horror novel. Henry Cadmus returns to his hometown on Catalina Island and finds himself facing his childhood nightmares.
Greenberg, Martin H., ed. Foundation’s Friends (Tor 978-0-7653-2830-4, $17.99, 592pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1989) anthology of 17 stories set on worlds created by Isaac Asimov. This follows the expanded 1997 edition, which added stories by Asimov and appreciations of h
is life.
Haggard, H. Rider When the World Shook (HiLoBooks 978-1-935869-56-6, $15.95, 288pp, tp, cover by Michael Lewy) Reprint (Cassell 1919) SF novel. Introduction by James Parker. Afterword by J.R. Bickley. Part of the Radium Age Science Fiction series. HiLoBooks,
Hamilton, Kersten In the Forests of the Night (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Graphia 978-0-547-85349-9, $8.99, 295pp, tp, cover by Alexander Jansson) Reprint (Clarion 2011) young-adult fantasy novel drawing on Celtic legend, the second book in the Goblin Wars series.
* Harper, Steven The Dragon Men (Penguin/Roc 978-0-451-46488-0, $7.99, 365pp, pb) Steampunk SF novel, the third in the Clockwork Empire series.
* Harris, Carrie Bad Hair Day (Random House/Delacorte 978-0-385-74215-3, $17.99, 228pp, hc) Young-adult humorous horror novel, sequel to Bad Taste in Boys. Kate discovers something hairy and strong is killing students.
Harris, Charlaine Dead Reckoning (Ace 978-0-425-25696-1, $15.00, 335pp, tp) Reissue (Ace 2011) Southern vampire mystery novel, the 11th featuring telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse. Ths is a TV tie-in edition.
Harris, M.G. The Joshua Files: Zero Moment (Bloomsbury/Walker US 978-0-8027-2835-7, $17.99, 347pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Young-adult thriller of the Mayan 2012 end of the world, the third book of The Joshua Files series. First US edition (Scholastic UK 2/10).
* Harrison, Kim & Gemma Magno Blood Crime (Ballantine Del Rey 978-0-345-52102-6, $25.00, 167pp, hc, cover by Juliana Kolesova) Graphic novel, an original story set in Harrison’s Hollows series, written by Harrison and illustrated by Magno. Introduction by Harrison.
* Hearne, Kevin Trapped (Ballantine Del Rey 978-0-345-53364-7, $7.99, 290pp, pb, cover by Gene Mollica) Urban fantasy novel, the fifth book in the Iron Druid Chronicles series begun in Hounded and Hexed.
* Henry, Christina Black Lament (Ace 978-0-425-25657-2, $7.99, 273pp, pb, cover by Kris Keller) Fantasy novel, the fourth in the Black Wings series about angel of death Madeline Black. Copyrighted by Tina Raffaele.
Herbert, James Ash (Tor 978-0-7653-2896-0, $29.99, 692pp, hc, cover by blacksheep) Horror novel. Ghost hunter David Ash investigates hauntings at Comraich Castle in Scotland. First US edition (Macmillan UK 9/12).
* Hinz, Christopher Spartan X (Hinz, Christopher 978-1-4801915-0-1, $15.99, 352pp, tp) SF thriller novel. Loner Corbet Tomms is recruited by a secret government agency to use his psychic visions to help hunt down a dangerous shapeshifting alien.
* Hocking, Amanda Lullaby (St. Martin’s Griffin 978-1-250-005656, $17.99, 290pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel, the second book in the Watersong series.
Hodgell, P.C. Honor’s Paradox (Baen 978-1-4516-3854-7, $7.99, 386pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) Reprint (Baen 2011) fantasy novel, sixth in the Kencyrath series featuring Jamethiel Priest’s-bane.
* Hodgson, William Hope The Ghost Pirates and Others: The Best of William Hope Hodgson (Night Shade Books 978-1-59780-441-7, $16.99, 264pp, tp, cover by Matthew Jaffe) Reprint (Night Shade 2005 as part of The Ghost Pirates and Other Revenants of the Sea) collection of short novel The Ghost Pirates (1909) and 11 stories. Introduction by Jeremy Lassen. Night Shade Books,
Holder, Nancy & Debbie Viguié Unleashed (Random House/Ember 978-0-385-74099-9, $9.99, 383pp, tp) Reprint (Delacorte 2011) young-adult dark fantasy/paranormal romance, the first book in the Wolf Springs Chronicles.
Hopkinson, Nalo The New Moon’s Arms (Grand Central 978-0-4465-8197-4, $14.99, 323pp, tp, cover by Rudy Gutierrez) Reprint (Warner 2007) mainstream novel with elements of magical realism.
* Howard, Jonathan L. Katya’s World (Angry Robot/Strange Chemistry US 978-1-908844-13-2, $9.99, 329pp, tp, cover by Lee Gibbons) Young-adult SF novel, the first book in the Russalka Chronicles series, about the water world Russalka. Simultaneous with the Strange Chemistry UK edition.
* Hoyt, Sarah A. Darkship Renegades (Baen 978-1-4516-3852-3, $14.00, 390pp, tp, cover by David Mattingly) SF novel, sequel to Darkship Thieves.
* Hubbard, L. Ron Beyond All Weapons (Galaxy 978-1-59212-256-1, $9.95, xi + 115pp, tp) Collection of three stories by Hubbard. This has the series foreword by Kevin J. Anderson.
* Huff, Tanya The Silvered (DAW 978-0-7564-0743-8, $24.95, 454pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Historical werewolf fantasy novel set in the Napoleonic era. Young Pack member Tomas Hagen and low-level mage Mirian Maylin seek to stop a plot of the invading Kresentian Empire.
Huff, Tanya The Wild Ways (DAW 978-0-7564-0763-6, $7.99, 424pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) Reprint (DAW 2011) fantasy novel, sequel to The Enchantment Emporium.
* Ione, Larissa Rogue Rider (Grand Central 978-0-446-57448-8, $7.99, 391pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) Paranormal romance novel, fourth in the Lords of Deliverance series. Simultaneous with the Piatkus UK edition.
* Jain, Rishabh & Delson Armstrong The Red Serpent Trilogy (AJ International Press 978-0-9847522-0-1, $12.99, 128pp, tp) Near-future vampire science-fantasy novel; it appears to have been published in three separate parts as by Delson Armstong, as Red Serpent: The Falsifier (2010), Red Serpent: The Prophet’s Secrets (2010), and The Elemental King (2011). This is copyrighted 2007, but no previous edition has been found.
* Johnson, Mark W. A Twist of Fate (Divertir Publishing 978-0-9842930-8-7, $14.95, 238pp, tp) Fantasy novel. Mlaer undertakes a quest to find a cure for the dying Tarna. A first novel. This is a print-on-demand edition. Divertir Publishing, PO Box 232, North Salem NH 03073;
* Jones, Howard Andrew The Bones of the Old Ones (St. Martin’s 978-0-312-64675-2, $25.99, 307pp, hc, cover by Steve Stone) Sword and sorcery Arabian fantasy novel, second in the Chronicles of Sword and Sand series after The Desert of Souls. A Thomas Dunne book.
* Jones, Stephen, ed. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 23 (Running Press 978-0-7624-4597-4, $13.95, 589pp, tp, cover by Vincent Chong) Annual horror anthology of 26 stories, with a lengthy overview of the year 2011 by Jones, and a necrology by Jones & Kim Newman. Authors include Ramsey Campbell, Joan Aiken, Michael Marshall Smith, Evangeline Walton, and Conrad Williams. Simultaneous with the Robinson UK edition.
Jordan, Robert Lord of Chaos (Tor 978-0-7653-3465-7, $15.99, 940pp, tp, cover by Gregory Manchess) Reissue (Tor 1994) fantasy novel, book six in The Wheel of Time series.
* Karpyshyn, Drew Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks 978-0-345-52941-1, $27.00, 286pp, hc) Tie-in novel based on the world of the movies, fourth in The Old Republic sub-series based on the game. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm. Simultaneous with the UK (Titan Books) edition.
* Kent, Steven L. The Clone Sedition (Ace 978-0-425-25818-7, $7.99, 359pp, pb, cover by Christian McGrath) Military SF novel, eighth in the Clone Republic series.
King, Stephen The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole (Simon & Schuster/Gallery 978-1-4516-5891-0, $16.00, 307pp, tp, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Reprint (Grant 2012) dark fantasy novel, eighth in The Dark Tower series, but set between Wizard and Glass and The Wolves of the Calla.
King, Stephen & Peter Straub Black House (Simon & Schuster/Scribner 978-1-4515-9492-5, $40.00, 661pp, hc) Reprint (Random House 2001) dark fantasy novel, sequel to The Talisman.
King, William Warhammer: Blood of Aenarion (Black Library US 978-1-84970-257-7, $11.99, 410pp, tp, cover by Raymond Swanland) Reprint (Black Library 2011) gaming tie-in novel, the first book in the Tyrion & Teclis trilogy.
* King, William Warhammer: Sword of Caledor (Black Library US 978-1-84970-262-1, $24.99, 309pp, hc, cover by Raymond Swanland) Gaming tie-in novel, the second book in the Tyrion & Teclis trilogy. Copyrighted by Games Workshop.
* Kizer, Amber Speed of Light (Random House/Delacorte 978-0-385-74114-9, $16.99, 521pp, hc, cover by Chad Michael Ward) Young-adult dark fantasy novel, the third book in the Meridian series.
* Kotecki, Nathan The Suburban Strange (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Houghton Mifflin 978-0-547-72996-1, $16.99, 349pp, hc) Young-adult novel about the battle between good and evil at a suburban high school. A first no
* Kyme, Nick Warhammer 40,000: Tome of Fire (Black Library US 978-1-84970-249-2, $8.99, 413pp, pb, cover by Cheoljoo Lee) Collection of nine stories, two original, set in the roleplaying game universe, in the Salamanders sub-series.
* Kyme, Nick Warhammer: Time of Legends: The War of Vengeance: The Great Betrayal (Black Library US 978-1-84970-192-1, $8.99, 509pp, pb, cover by Clint Langley) Tie-in novel based on the world of the roleplaying game, the first book in the War of Vengeance sequence in the Time of Legends series. Simultaneous with the Black Library UK edition. Copyrighted by Games Workshop.
L’Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time Trilogy (Macmillan/Square Fish 978-1-250-00343-0, $19.99, 774pp, tp, cover by Taeeun Yoo) Reprint (SFBC 2003 as part of The Time Quartet) omnibus of the three young-adult SF novels in the trilogy: A Wrinkle in Time (1962), A Wind in the Door (1973) and A Swiftly Tilting Planet (1978).
* Lackey, Mercedes & James Mallory Crown of Vengeance (Tor 978-0-7653-2438-2, $27.99, 605pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) Fantasy novel, the first book in the Dragon Prophecy trilogy, set in the same world as The Enduring Flame trilogy and The Obsidian trilogy.
Lancaster, Mike A. The Future We Left Behind (Egmont USA 978-1-60684-410-6, $16.99, 368pp, hc, cover by Tom Hartley) Young-adult SF novel, sequel to Human.4. First US edition (Egmont UK 5/12 as 1.4).
* Lawrence, Theo Mystic City (Random House/Delacorte 978-0-385-74160-6, $17.99, 387pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Young-adult fantasy novel set in a magical Manhattan. Aria Rose wakes with huge gaps in her memory, and finds herself engaged to marry a man she doesn’t remember, the son of her father’s political enemy. Copyrighted by The Inkhouse.
* Le Guin, Ursula K. The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories Volume One: Where on Earth (Small Beer Press 978-1-61873-034-3, $24.00, 281pp, hc, cover by Tugboat Printshop) Collection of 18 stories, the first of two volumes of stories selected by Le Guin from previous collections. This focuses on tales set on Earth, ranging from realism to magical realism; Le Guin discusses the selection process and the origins of some of the stories in her introduction. Small Beer Press, 150 Pleasant Street #306, Easthampton MA 01027;